David Vergauwen
David Vergauwen studied history, art history, and musicology at the universities of Ghent and Brussels, and obtained his PhD in history from the VUB. As a researcher, he focuses on Belgian cultural history of the long nineteenth century with particular attention to the history of Belgian Freemasonry and Belgian music history. He has published two books on Masonic music in Belgium, Kolommen van Harmonie' (2015) and ‘Het maçonnieke chanson in België’ (2017), as well as a cultural biography of the Flemish composer Joseph Ryelandt (2020). As a researcher, he was affiliated with the AP University College - Royal Conservatory Antwerp, and since 2023, he has been the director of Cedom, the archive, library, and study center of Belgian Freemasonry. He currently resides in Bruges
- Vergauwen, David, “From Bruges to Paris: New Light on the Life and work of the Flemish Composer Hébert Leemans ‘de Bruges’ (1741-1771), Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap, LXXV (2021), pp. 55-72.
- De Smet, Ive & Vergauwen, David, “Kunst en genetica: een productief partnerschap”, Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten 72 (2021), pp. 33-36.
- Vergauwen, David, “Joseph Ryelandt in Brugge. De creatie van het ‘Fonds Ryelandt’ in het stadsarchief Brugge, Belgisch Tijdschrift voort Muziekwetenschap, LXXIV (2020), pp. 167-178.
- Vergauwen, David, “Het beeld van koning David”, GEYSEN (Inge), SOUFFREAU (Guenevere) & TAHON (Eva)(Eds.), “Brugge in 100 objecten”, Brugge (2020), pp. 364-367
- Vergauwen, David, “Joseph Ryelandt (1870-1965), componist: waardig herdacht”, Bulletin de l’Association de la Noblesse du Royaume de Belgique, N°303, (2020), pp. 21-30.
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1050 Brussel