The Vrije Universiteit Brussel has a strong and longstanding expertise on secular thought, in historical as well as contemporary perspectives. This is rooted in the basic principle of the university, the principle of free inquiry (vrij onderzoek), which unites scientists from the exact and human sciences alike. The newly established Secular Studies Association Brussel (SSAB) unites the academics as the Center for the Study of the Enlightenment and Free Thought once did. The present core of the new research group is still to be found in the humanities, with researchers from the departments of history, philosophy, the law faculty and the faculty of psychology and education. We warmly welcome contributions made by other disciplines. As such our approach to secular studies is purposely broad.
We are convinced that research into the growing group of seculars in society should become a spearhead of our university, able to collaborate on an equal footing with analogous foreign researchers and institutes. These collaborations or partnerships can provide a platform able to connect with a society that is increasing in diversity, but where the, broadly defined, secular profile is still little known.
Recent news
Historicus Niels De Nutte over vrijzinnig humanisme in roerige tijden
An interview on humanism in times of rising polarisation by de Marketing and Communication department of our university with secretary Niels De Nutte: research day of the Belgische Vereniging voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis (BVNG)
On Monday 13 May the Biennial research day of the Belgische Vereniging voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis (BVNG) took place. As a board member, our member Kim Descheemaeker was throughly involved in hosting this event.4th ISFORB Conference 'Propagation and (de)conversion: Conflict of individual and group rights?'
At the beginning of this month, two of our members participated in the 4th annual conference of the ISFORB center at the ETF Leuven.
- Practical info-
Multidisciplinary SSAB-Workshop: "Secularising/secularised Cities” (Eutopia event)
In this workshop, scholars from different disciplines (literature studies, ecofeminism, aesthetics and urban studies) discuss the complex phenomenon of the reciprocal influence between individuals and urban culture and disciplinin
- Practical info-
Biography and Secularism (Eutopia event)
From 22-23 March, we will hold the first activity in the wider project of 'Biography and Secularism'.
- Practical info-
religie of moraal anno 2024
Op zaterdag 23 maart 2024 van 9.30u tot +/- 15.00u verwelkomen wij alle geïnteresseerden in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België vo