Emiliano Acosta
Emiliano Acosta (Mendoza, 1978) is associate professor at the department of History, Archeology, Arts, Philosophy and Ethics of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Invited Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Moral Science of Ghent University. He has been member of the executive board of the Belgian Association for the Studies of Religion, BABEL (2015-2021) and its president (2019-2021). From 2016 till 2021, he taught the course of History and Theory of Freemasonry at the VUB, and since 2018, he teaches the course of Philosophy and Critique of Religion also at the VUB. One of the central topics of his research is the function of secularisation in discourses of cosmopolitanism in Enlightenment Political Philosophy and in Kantian and Post-Kantian Philosophy.
(2019) “Nature and perpetual peace in Kant and Fichte’s cosmopolitanism”. Anuario
Filosófico, v. 52, n. 1, 87-111.
(2018) “Revisiting Kant and Fichte’s Conceptions of Cosmopolitanism”. Revista de
Estud(i)os sobre Fichte 16,
(2017) (with G. Van De Vijver) “While Reading Kant’s Perpetual Peace”, in: Praet, D. (ed.)
Philosophy of War and Peace, Brussel: VUBPress, pp. 131-144.
(2017) “Diálogo interreligioso y reconocimiento a la luz del legado de la Ilustración”
[Interreligious dialogue and recognition in the light of the legacy of the Enlightenment].
In: Horizonte, v. 15, n. 46, 615-637
(2013) “Meritocracy and the rational Exclusion of the Other in Enlightenment’s emancipative Discourse: The case of 17th and 18th Century Freemasonry.” Acosta, E. (ed.) Rethinking Europe I.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel