Frank Schweitser
Frank Schweitser is Doctor in Philosophy and Moral Sciences (VUB) and holds a BA in nursing (Erasmushogeschool Brussel). His research investigates bio-ethical questions related to end-of-life decisions, from a secular and humanistic perspective. His main topics of interest are euthanasia, palliative care, psychiatry, patient rights, decision-making capacity, and the internment of people with a psychiatric disorder.
Schweitser, F., (2022) Euthanasie in de psychiatrie, het belang van wilsbekwaamheid. Antwerpen/Amsterdam: Houtekiet, 400p.
Schweitser, F., Stuy, J., Distelmans, W. & Rigo, A. (2021) Assessment of patient decision-making capacity in the context of voluntary euthanasia for psychic suffering caused by psychiatric disorders: a qualitative study of approaches among Belgian physicians. Journal of Medical Ethics, 47, 12, p. 0:1-5 5 p., doi:101136/medethics-2019-105690
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