Johan Stuy
Johan Stuy (1957) studied Philosophy and Moral Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He started his career as assistant of the professors Leopold Flam, Hubert Dethier and Maurice Weyembergh for History of Philosophy, Philosophy and Critical Theories of Religion, and Political Philosophy. After his promotion (1987), he became professor Ethics at the Faculties of Arts and Philosophy, and Law and Criminology (1990).
He was affiliated with the Center for the Study of the Enlightenment and Free Thought, and with the Center for Bioethics. He is currently a member of the Center for Ethics and Humanism and the Secular Studies Association Brussels.
His research deals with ethical-political aspects of contemporary German philosophy and the foundations of secular bioethics. The main research questions are related to the meaning of moral responsibility during and after the totalitarian movements on the one hand, and the possible foundations of bioethics in a secular, culture-sensitive and pluralistic society on the other.
For several years Johan Stuy was chairman of the philosophy department. He was a member of the committee for Theology and Sciences of Religion and the committee for International Scientific Contacts of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research. He is currently a member of the Belgian Advisory Committee of Bioethics.
Stuy J. & Adelheid Rigo (2021). De erkenning van de saviour sibling in de context van de familie en getoetst aan de vier principes van de biomedische ethiek. In Kathleen Emmery en Gianni Loosveldt (red.), Broer of zus, de match van je leven, pp. 107-120, Garant, Antwerpen-Apeldoorn
Stuy, J., & Rigo, A. (2018). Religieuze en seculiere waarden: Gedeeld of verdeeld? In B. Van Kerkhove, K. François, S. Ducheyne, & P. Allo (Eds.), Laat ons niet ernstig blijven: Huldeboek voor Jean Paul Van Bendegem, Academia Press, Gent, pp. 175 - 181
Stuy, J. & Rigo, A. (2011) Morele verantwoordelijkheid, de waarde van menselijk leven en prenatale diagnose, In Ethische Perspectieven, 21, 2164, pp. 164 - 168
Stuy, J., (2006) Genetisch testen van kinderen en adolescenten: ethische en interdisciplinaire aspecten, In Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 62, nr. 6, pp. 472-479
Stuy, J., (2003) Menselijk klonen: spelen voor God of voor Oppermens? In: J. Stuy, M. Van den Bossche & J. Van Bellingen, De precisie van het lezen. Liber amicorum Maurice Weyembergh, VUBPress, Brussel, pp. 183 – 195
Stuy, J. (1995) Filosofie van het vrij onderzoek. In Demeyere, F. En Pijpen, C. (red.), Over vrijzinnigheid gesproken. Verleden – Heden – Toekomst, VUBPress, Brussel, pp. 139 - 151
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