Nathan Lauwers
Nathan Lauwers studied History at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). He obtained a PhD at the UGent (2022) with a doctoral thesis on the interlinkages between migration and development in a historical perspective. Nathan is active as a historical researcher with Liberas (Ghent) – the Centre for the history of free thinking and acting- and affiliated to the Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR). His current research is centred on the discursive representations of migration, with particular interest for the dynamics of politicization along societal cleavages. In addition, he conducts research on various relational fields related to the concept of 'freedom'.
In 2018 he published an intellectual biography about the progressive liberal Georges Lorand (https://www.aspeditions.be/en/book/georges-lorand-1860-1918/16441).
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1050 Elsene