Pieter Meurs
Pieter Meurs holds a master degree in Adult Educational Sciences, and a master and doctoral (2013) degree in Philosophy and Moral Sciences (VUB – Free University of Brussels). He is a associate professor at agogiek and in the postgraduate program 'Praktisch Humanisme'. He has presented and published papers on phenomenology, political philosophy, educational sciences and the work Jean-Luc Nancy. His current research is focused on critical citizenship and contentious politics. Drawing on contemporary continental philosophy, he investigates what social change and protest means to us and how we can act upon it. He is the author of "Democracy and Education: on citizenship and social change” (Democratie en Education: over burgerschap en maatschappelijke verandering - 2021 https://aspeditions.be/nl-be/book/democratie-en-educatie/18286.htm).
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1050 Brussel