Please find hereby the recordings of the 5th BABEL PhD Colloquium.
First Session:
Ima Sri Rahmani (UCLouvain), Women and identity in the spinning of the lexicon Islamophobia in the media text in Belgium
Aurélien Bourgaux (ULiège) Martyrdom according to Théodore de Bèze in the 16th Century. Progress and Prospects
Martijn Jaspers (KULeuven), Where 'The Translator' meets Translation Studies: Towards an Innovative Characterization of Jerome's Translation Technique in his Latin Psalter Translations.
Second Session:
(The first two presentations - Christina Turner and Sarah Maes - were unfortunately not recorded)
Kim Lecoyer (UGent) Belgian Muslim Women’s Rights in Family Life and Conflict: A Socio-Legal Inquiry
Third Session:
Patrick Hannot (ULB), Darwinisme et téléologie. Réactions dans le Presbytérianisme écossais au XIX° siècle.
Koert Debeuf (VUB) On Latin Averroism and its disappearance from the historiography of philosophy.
Keynote Lecture: Jeffrey Tyssens (VUB) On Masonic Funeral Practices in Belgium: A Micro-perspective on Secularisation and Spirituality in the 1860s.