Sonja Lavaert
Sonja Lavaert obtained her PhD in Philosophy and Moral Sciences at VUB (2011), and Master in Philosophy with a specialization in Italian language and literature at UGent (1980). She is Professor of Philosophy of Enlightenment, Freethought, Theory of Language, Language and Society, and Translation and Ethics at the Departments of Philosophy and of Applied Linguistics and Translation at VUB. She published Het perspectief van de multitude (2011), Vrijheid, gelijkheid, veelheid (2020), and co-edited The Dutch Legacy (2017), Aufklärungs-Kritik und Aufklärungs-Mythen (2018), and Spinoza et la politique de la multitude (2021). Her publications focus on political philosophy, critical theory, clandestine and radical freethought, philosophy of art, and translation studies. Her research looks into the genealogy of modern political and ethical concepts in the interdisciplinary area of philosophy, literature, and translation from the present, late 17th century and 18th century, and early Renaissance.
Lavaert, S., ‘Le renversement de Spinoza, dans l’esprit de Machiavel’, in Lavaert, S. & Moreau, P.-F. (eds.), Spinoza et la politique de la multitude, Kimé, Paris, 2021, 35-56, 22p.
Lavaert, S., ‘Adriaan Koerbagh, “An Excellent Mathematician but a Wicked Fellow”’, in Church History and Religious Culture 100, 2-3, Special Issue: Confessional Clamour and Intellectual Indifference, 2020, pp. 255-271, 17p.
Lavaert, S., Vrijheid, gelijkheid, veelheid. Het moderne democratie-denken van Machiavelli tot Spinoza en zijn kring, VUBPress, Brussel, 2020, 345p.
Lavaert, S. ‘La Traduction comme intrigue philosophique et stratégique. De Vanini au Traité des trois imposteurs, en passant par Spinoza et son Esprit’ in La Lettre clandestine, La littérature philosophique clandestine et la traduction, Classiques Garnier, Paris, vol. 27, 2019, pp. 109-126, 18p.
Lavaert, S. ‘Entre clandestinité et sphère publique. Le cas Koerbagh’ in La Lettre clandestine, Spinoza et la littérature philosophique clandestine, Classiques Garnier, Paris, vol. 26, 2018, pp. 33-48, 16p.
Lavaert, S. ‘Lieutenants of the Commonwealth. A Political Reading of De jure ecclesiasticorum’, in Lavaert, S. & Schröder, W. (eds.) The Dutch Legacy. Radical Thinkers of the 17th Century and the Enlightenment, Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2017, pp. 150-164, 15p.
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